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  • Kategória Garrison/Order Hall → Rogue Class Hall
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Projekt: Legion
Megnyitotta Jozkal-Evermoon - 02.04.2024 20:47
Utoljára szerkesztette: Jozkal-Evermoon - 17.04.2024 15:18

FS#49754 - Marin Noggenfogger's Lucky Coin - 139781

The coin isn’t consumed from the player’s inventory when handing it in to Marin Noggenfogger, allowing for infinite hand-ins



Lezárta  Jozkal-Evermoon
17.04.2024 15:18
A lezárása indoka:  Obsolete
Assas commented on 02.04.2024 21:42
Jozkal-Evermoon commented on 08.04.2024 23:49

A new issue has cropped up where handing in the coin doesn't spawn any of the "Vault" reward objects. Should be re-opened until fixed or do I create a new one?

Assas commented on 11.04.2024 18:01

Coin now gets consumed but I always get the same 8 items to spawn regardless of what I do except of the crate. Marin's coin also seem to have a cooldown to drop ?? I got 2 or 3 coins and after that I stopped receiving coins, I have been pick pocketing endlessly and they dont drop anymore

   pickpockt.jpg (15 kilobájt)
Jozkal-Evermoon commented on 12.04.2024 10:38

@STTEEEV The coins are still available as normal from pick pocketing. There is no cooldown and you're probably confusing it for the regular Vault Ticket or the fact its drop rate is fairly low.

In order to be able to pickpocket the coin at all you must also have the Order Advancement "The Vault" researched.

Furthermore, there is one unimplemented source of the coin, where it should be a chance to receive it from sending Defias Thieves on missions as it's one of the possible rewards from Pick Pocket.


Assas commented on 12.04.2024 17:30

@Jozkal Im telling you there seems to be an invisible cool down to get another coin, a daily one? Or I just had a bad luck, I might be wrong. I just got like 3 coins and for 2 hours after that I couldn't get another until I tried next day (should the droprate be better for me that I have completed Coins of Air?) . Also npcs take much more time than expected to reload their pockets. And yes was able to pickpocket coims before having the vault and now while having it. But regardless of having it, I don't see amy change at all. Not a single ticket from missions or anything.

Jozkal-Evermoon commented on 13.04.2024 00:19

@STTEEEV I'm quite certain you're just being unlucky here when it comes to coins. Did two pick pocketing runs today, separated by 2 hours roughly. The first run through Stormheim and Azsuna got me 2 coins within 20 minute. The second run gave me 1 coin within 2 minutes in Azsuna, then went over to Stormheim and couldn't pick pocket at the usual location due to a bug so I pick pocketed nearly everything in Hyrsdal instead, and then got the 4th coin about 30 minutes later in Suramar.

As for the Vault Ticket. I'm pretty certain most of those "chance to return with item" abilities are broken or not implemented yet, it has been reported as part of "The Vault" issue.

The only bug you experienced was the pick pocketing reset timer, which is a legitimate bug. It's far longer than the 10 minutes it is supposed to be.


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