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  • Hibajegy típusa Bug Report
  • Kategória Garrison/Order Hall → Priest Class Hall
  • Felhasználó hozzárendelése Senki
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Projekt: Legion
Megnyitotta Jozkal-Evermoon - 12.04.2024 11:57
Utoljára szerkesztette: Higi - 22.04.2024 15:54

FS#50234 - Lightspawn - 110744

The Lightspawn summoned by the item Vial of Pure Light doesn’t scale from levels, stats, or item lvl from the player and is currently summoned as lvl 1. It also seems to lack any abilities. It should be able to be summoned inside dungeons but not raids or mythic+, it should frequently use an AoE taunt ability when in combat.




Lezárta  Higi
22.04.2024 15:54
A lezárása indoka:  Fixed
Query commented on 22.04.2024 13:56

I need more data on this do you have any video about it?

Jozkal-Evermoon commented on 22.04.2024 16:35

Sadly, there exists very little video or posts about these guardians. The order advancement to even have a chance at Lightspawn and Faceless One was deeply unpopular. The main threads detailing their effects and mechanics were part of the old blizzard forums, and the threads in question aren't able to be recovered through waybackmachine. Leaving stray threads and comments on sites such as Wowhead, Mmo-champion, and owned-core. As the main use of these guardians were considered "casual" among exploiters and their inability to be used in Mythic+ or raiding. They were essentially ignored completely throughout the expansion, only generating the odd forum post whenever people were surprised at either seeing them or their damage output in World PvP or regular dungeons (often reaching DPS around 250k+) where the pet was able to steal or keep aggro on small trash packs and even bosses if the tank was dead.


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